
Are you suffering from tech neck? What it is and how to correct it

do you have tech neck

By Dr. Madhu Brar-Hayer, Doctor of Chiropractic

If you are reading this on your phone you likely have “tech neck”.  Tech neck is becoming a more common term over the years and now with all of us being isolated and home due to COVID-19, this condition is becoming more of a concern for everyone.

Technology is a huge part of our day-to-day life and there is no way to escape it.  Computers, tablets, phones, and gaming systems are part of our regular routine and the more we are on these devices, the higher probability we have of developing tech neck.  Research has shown that most spend approximately 4 hours daily on their smartphones and teenagers on average spend up to 7 hours per day!

What is tech neck?

Tech neck is a term used to describe a condition that causes stress on the neck, upper back, shoulders and into arm muscles and nerves.  Having your head tilted downwards for extended periods of times will cause tension and stress on your muscles.

The pain associated with neck tech typically builds up over time and if not addressed, leads to more than just neck and upper back discomfort.  Continuous poor posture can lead to chronic headaches, numbness and pain into arms.

A neutral neck position is ideal. This is when your ears are aligned over your shoulders. With the human head weighing between 10-12 lbs., having your neck flexed forward, even one inch, yields an increase of 10 lbs. of stress on your spine.

Stop and have a look at your posture right now. How forward is your head reading this?  Without even realizing it, our shoulders are rolled forward and neck is more anterior than it should be. We are starting a vicious cycle of poor posture that will lead to neck pain and headaches. 

How to correct tech neck

Tech neck is fully correctable and can largely be improved by adhering to proper body positioning and posture. Remember to also keep electronic devices at eye level, whether standing or sitting.

neck tech posture when standing

When sitting at a desk remember to have your scapula (shoulder blades) pulled back and down. This activates your middle trapezius and activates your core posture muscles. Sit with your back pressed against the back of your chair and make sure that your eyes are level to the top of your electronics.

avoid neck tech when sitting with this posture
Dr. Madhu Brar-Hayer, DC

Start feeling your best. 

If you suffer from acute or chronic pain,  a chiropractic treatment can help.   Book with Dr. Brar-Hayer today.


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