Rapid NeuroFascial Reset

Sciatic pain affecting your life? Get pain free with RAPID NeuroFascial Reset

By: David Sanda, RMT & NeuroFascial Reset

If you’ve worked in an office, factory, grocery store or just had a baby – there is a good chance you have experienced achy stiffness in the low back, sometimes not even knowing how or why.

Sciatic pain, or sciatic nerve irritation is a common issue and can be very painful and debilitating. For those who have experienced it, you may have a continuous fear of this pain.

Sciatic pain is mainly due to irritation of the sciatic nerve from stresses or pressure on the spinal discs. Additionally, muscle fiber adhesion starts to develop around your sacrum and posterior iliac bone causing irritation, stiffness and that achy pain that never seems to go away.

The good news is you can get help. Breaking up the muscle fiber adhesions and relieving the hypertonicity in the muscles is the first step to truly becoming pain free.

How RAPID NeuroFascial Reset Treats Sciatic Pain

RAPID NeuroFascial Reset (RAPID) is a relatively new technique that is very similar to Active Release Techniques with a different philosophy.

It works by finding the adhesions in your body, applying pressure to the adhesion against the periosteum (a dense layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones) of the closest bone while taking the body through a range of motions. This sends signals to the brain to enable healing and release of the adhesion.

RAPID is a technique that is very effective for sciatic pain, lower back pain, hip pain and entrapped nerves in these areas as well. While effective, it does come with discomfort, so come prepared. Every patient so far has remarked afterwards that “the pain is worth it”!

We recommend you dress loosely, so your body can be taken through the ranges of motion required.  

David Sanda, RMT

Book with David Sanda, RMT and RAPID NeuroFascial

As a registered massage therapist who has experience dealing with sciatic, low back and hip pain, I highly recommend this treatment as a part of your recovery plan.

Massage therapy and RAPID is proven to work and greatly enhances your recovery. Especially when combined with other treatments offered at Movement Performance & Health, including chiropractic and acupuncture treatments.

Don’t let pain control your life. If you’re suffering from sciatica, lower back or hip pain, book a RAPID treatment and start your path to complete recovery.

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