Hypnofertility® & Pregnancy

While it is normal for conception to take one year, a very real concern for many couples is the inability to conceive a baby.

  • 1 in 8 couples (12% of married women) have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy.
  • Each year, more than a million North Americans pursue treatment for infertility.
  • One in every three couples who seek fertility treatment have been diagnosed as “unexplained infertility”.

Whether you have a medical diagnosis or unexplained infertility, you may be caught in a long-term struggle to get pregnant or to stay pregnant. This may lead to feelings of increased stress, depression, blame, frustration, or anxiety.

Destructive emotions, thought patterns, and subconscious thoughts can block or damage the fragile environment needed to conceive.

Stress can also be a main culprit. When the stress response is constantly activated, many issues can occur including infertility.

When in a constant stressed state, the sympathetic nervous system communicates to bodily systems critical for survival, and deprioritizes other less essential systems, such as reproduction. 

Stress can also be a factor for staying pregnant. A recent study found supports the belief that psychological stress in pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage.

How does hypnosis help increase fertility?

Hypnofertility® is a safe and powerful way to increase fertility.  Hypnosis for fertility involves multiple customized sessions with a trained Hypnotist to manage stress, address doubts and anxieties, as well as release subconscious fears that may be preventing pregnancy.

Hypnosis releases feelings of self-doubt and empowers you to work through stress, so you can move beyond fear and into fertility. It increases the odds of conception and enhances your overall health.

It is safe, requiring no drugs or expensive equipment. It complements virtually any medical procedure with impressive results, often making any such procedure more effective. Consider trying hypnosis if you are currently or planning to visit a fertility clinic.

Hypnosis can also be used throughout pregnancy to maintain a positive mindset to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Boost your Fertility with Hypnosis


FAQs about hypnosis for fertility

1. Does hypnosis for fertility work?

A study of the practical uses of clinical hypnosis in enhancing fertility, healthy pregnancy, and childbirth found hypnosis to be an effective method to reduce women’s stress, enhance feelings of control, as well as to manage psycho-emotional issues that may be contributing to infertility.

2. Is fertility hypnosis safe to use alongside other treatments?

Yes! Hypnosis compliments any existing fertility treatments you may be doing already. It is safe and can increase your chances of conceiving whether you have identified an underlying medical problem or not. Whether you have “unexplained infertility”, PCOS, hormone imbalances, or another issue, fertility hypnosis perfectly complements other treatments.

3. Will I lose control of myself during a hypnosis session?

There is absolutely no loss of control during hypnosis. You will be able to hear and respond to everything the hypnotherapist says and you will remember what happened in our session.

4. How many hypnosis sessions will I need?

Every person is different, we will create a personalized plan during the first consultation and align the plan with your needs and wants. As we achieve results, we can modify your plan.

5. What can I expect during the initial hypnosis consultation?

Initial consultations can be done in-person, on the phone, or video call. The purpose of the consultation is to understand your questions and concerns, so we can determine if hypnosis is the right fit.

The priority is to make sure hypnosis will benefit your goals, and that you are comfortable with the hypnotist. At the end of the consultation, you’ll decide whether to pursue hypnosis and book your initial session.

Consultations typically take 15 minutes to complete, but can be scheduled for up to 30 minutes.

6. What can I expect during a hypnosis session?

Using information gathered in the initial consultation, a customized hypnosis plan will be created. It will include identifying the number of sessions required.


  • 2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth, Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health (UK), 2013. “Fertility: Assessment and Treatment for People with Fertility Problems”
  • Scientific Report, 2017: “Stress during pregnancy alters temporal and spatial dynamics of the maternal and offspring microbiome in a sex-specific manner”
  • Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2009: “Clinical hypnosis for labour and birth: A consideration"

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